6:42 PM
Tribal Bunak Timor-Leste in the House Weaving Indigenous
Appear conflict in East Timor is a concern for the author as the son of Tribal Bunak. Most Bunak tribe living in the East Timor conflict are at the elite and witnessed by the international. Author bretemu friends with the pastor of the East Timorese who were menimbah of science, particularly in Philosophy and Theologi School Filsafat Theologi "Widya Sasana" Malang, East Java, Indonesia. There is unity of indigenous tribes Bunak East Timor with the tribe Bunak West Timor. Bunak According to one language, race Bunak in East Timor and West Timor-Indonesia relations have unity. In West Timor, Indonesia, especially in Lamaknen danDesa Aitoun, race Bunak include tribes that spread out in small Lamaknen District which consists of three Paroki St. Theodorus Weluli dengan Pastor Parokinya Romo Stef Boisala Pr; Paroki St. THEODORUS Weluli with Pastor Parokinya Romo Stef Boisala Pr; Paroki St. Gerardus Nualain; Author think Bunak tribe in East Timor also includes Small tribes that spread throughout East Timor. In West Timor, a small tribes that have spread that a strong relationship bound. Relations between the union bound tribes are small relations relationship "Tribal Malu" with "The Aiba'a". Tribal "Aiba'a" is a tribe of women who receive tribe "Malu" as women. Women that developed into a small tribe, the tribe of "Aiba'a" with a different tribe granting women. Relations, this is understandable in the adult system glasses matrilineal tribes Bunak. Issue model of any kind, any kind of conflict that occurred in the tribal Bunak certainly have its way through a relationship that is "ashamed" with "aiba'a" this. About the author, such a relationship and have also grown in the fertile bunak tribe in East Timor. But internal conflict in Timor Leste, internal ethnic conflicts Bunak Timor Leste can be completed through this door. Bunak tribes together in East Timor as a testimony to the exit in relations with other tribes that are in East Timor. Tribal Bunak should live peacefully together and start from within, from ourselves. Tribal Bunak Timor Leste not diadu sheep by the influence of foreign anti humanitas. Ancestor Bunak tribe has beradap in adatnya system existing before the colonists arrived in Bunak tribe. The predecessor Bunak ethnic groups has formed a relationship based on traditional customs. Relations customary "Malu" with "Aiba'a" this must be maintained so that the identity of the tribe Bunak laden with unity is not a miscarriage because of political interests that are not human. Writing this knock conscience researchers from various disciplines to examine the indigenous tribes Bunak in gandengannya with solutions without violence against the various conflicts in East Timor are appear.
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