The United Nations has expressed concern over Bere's release.

East Timor's Supreme Court is investigating top government officials over accusations they illegally released a war crimes suspect at Indonesia's request - a case that could test the constitution of Asia's youngest democracy.

Judges say political leaders illegally bypassed the courts with the release, highlighting the continuing challenge to establish an independent and viable judiciary after the tiny state broke from hundreds of years of colonialism in 2002.

Formal charges have not been filed, but prosecutors are investigating the possible involvement of several members of Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao's government, two court officials with first-hand knowledge of the case told The Associated Press in interviews this week. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to talk to the media.

Indonesian national Maternus Bere was detained Aug. 8 to face allegations of crimes against humanity, including the 1999 Suai church massacre that left dozens dead, among them women, children and three priests. Bere was set free on Aug. 30 before be could be put on trial.

The killings were part of a wider campaign of persecution and murder by pro-Indonesian forces against the Timorese population that year. The violence, prompted by a vote to split from Jakarta after a brutal 24-year occupation, left at least 1,000 people dead.

The United Nations has expressed concern over Bere's release and called for Timor's leaders to abide by international law. Arrest warrants issued by a U.N.-backed serious crimes unit are outstanding for nearly 400 suspects, but East Timor has favored reconciliation with neighboring Indonesia over prosecution.

President Jose Ramos-Horta argues that reopening old wounds will not help the impoverished country build a stable democracy.

"The vast majority of the people here don't care about what happened to the guy (Bere)," Ramos-Horta told The Associated Press. "The enemies of yesterday must apologize and forgive each other. The U.N. human rights bureaucracy is the one out of touch with the reality."

Indonesia's Foreign Ministry says it negotiated Bere's release by phone with Ramos-Horta, Gusmao, Foreign Minister Zacharia da Costa and other officials on Aug. 30.

Indonesian officials waited for confirmation of the release before attending East Timor's celebrations marking the 10th anniversary of the independence vote, Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah said.

Indonesian officials say that Bere, who was reportedly in East Timor for a family wedding, remains at the Indonesian Embassy in Dili awaiting deportation to Indonesia.

Supreme Court chief Judge Claudio Ximenes told reporters last week that Bere's handover was "an illegal decision made be someone who has no right to do so."

"Only a judge can order the freeing of a suspect from a detention center or prison," he said.

The Dili-based La'o Hamutuk research institute, a respected group that studies efforts by foreign institutions to rebuild East Timor, also said the handover violated the constitution.

Gusmao's office said he is ready to accept any legal consequences of freeing Bere, but that he has received no notice of an investigation.

"The Gusmao Government has always been open, transparent and readily willing to participate in any investigations," government spokesman Agio Pereira said in a statement to the AP.

The dispute comes amid relative stability in East Timor, a predominantly Catholic state of 1.1 million people that descended into chaos in early 2006 when fighting between rival security forces killed dozens. President Ramos-Horta was seriously wounded in an assassination attempt in February last year.

Bere's case exposes a lack of separation between political powers and the courts, Charles Scheiner of La'o Hamutuk said in an e-mail to the AP.

"It has serious implications for the future of rule of law and justice," Scheiner said. "The investigation by the judicial system is one piece; whether the prosecutor will be brave enough to bring the case to court is yet to be seen."

The opposition Fretilin party is pushing a censure motion in parliament over the Bere release, which could force early elections.

"The government of Xanana will be brought down and the president will have to call early elections," Fretilin's Deputy House Speaker Vicente Gueterres told the AP Wednesday.

Fretilin is the largest party in parliament, but it is unclear if a majority of lawmakers are willing to risk another political crisis.

Roughly a third of East Timor's population was wiped out during the Indonesian occupation, but those crimes go unpunished.


Ha'u atu fo ha'u nian komentariu ba FH nian kolaborador ida nebee badinas tebes fo nian kontribuisaun nebee mos barak ba FH, ho ninian artigus nebee kapas tebe-tebes. Ba belun Filipe Rodrigues Pereira nian kontribuisaun iha habelar nian hanoin ba Rain no Povo Timor nian diak, liu husi FH, ami editores sira tomak agradese ba ita boot!

Iha komentariu ida neebe ha'u atu hato'o kona ba artigu ida nee, la lori editor nian naran maibee nudar apresiador belun Filipe nian artigu.

Los duni, presaun politika akontese iha kazu Maternus Bere. Maibe, tuir situasaun nebee ha'u mos hatene tuir, ha'u la atribui presaun politika nee ba ita nian na'i ulun sira, katak presaun PR ba PM nee karik la ejiste ka nunka ejiste iha kazu Maternus Bere. Ita (RDTL) apenas hetan faktor kondisionante husi RI iha biban loron boot nebee ita atu komemora referendu ba dala 10. Faktor kondisionante nee mak, sira koloka sira nian sidadaun Maternus Bere nebee ita kaer no sulan hanesan satan boot ida iha eventu loron 30/8/09.

Republika Indonesia, liu husi ninian representante kondisiona ita liu husi ita nian PR Ramos Horta katak, se ita la husik, ha'u temi ita iha ha'u nian espresaun nee nian sentidu luan, mak RI nian representante sei la tuir serimonia nebee, ema boot kaer mundo sira nian reprezentante sira mos ita bolu hotu mai tuir ita nian loron boot ida nee.

Ita hotu siente katak iha biban nebaa, hela deit loron rua atu tama 30 de Agosto, preparasaun ba serimonia nee rasik seidauk remata, kona ba fatin atu halo serimonia rasik la hatene iha nebee los. Oras ida dehan atu halo iha palasiu do governo maibe palku ka podiu la iha kondisaun, oras ida iha PN fatin kloot, husu atu halo iha palasiu presidensial fou-foun husi gabinete presidente nian dehan katak halo iha neba la diak, oras ida dehan la dada bandeira, to’o dia 29 lorokraik atu tama ona dia 30 foin deside los katak halo iha palasiu presidensial Nicolau Lobato no dada bandeira iha neba.

Tanba deit preparasaun na'i ulun sira nian ulun moras, seidauk sura ho situasaun nebee iha ligasaun ho interesse selu-seluk kona ba povo Timor tomak nian vida. Iha biban nee mos ita hetan presaun husi RI kona ba kazu Maternus Bere.

Ita hateke uitoan ba kotuk, katak bainhira ita nian polisia kaer ex milisianu Maternus Bere, la too 24 horas RI taka fronteira. Ita la hatene razaun saida mak halo sira taka fronteira maibe ita bele analiza ida katak ho taka fronteira bele evita konflitu entre sidadaun husi rain rua nee liu-liu iha fronteira.

Se mosu konflitu iha fronteira tanba Maternus Bere, se mak hetan uluk konsekuensia mak populasoins iha fronteira, antes konsekuensia nee too nivel relasoins diplomatikas ho selu-seluk tan. Se karik mosu konflitu iha fronteira mak automatika supermi ka manu-tolun tebes mos husi Indonesia la tama mai, mesmo iha fronteira deit mos la liu.

Needuni, PR Dr. José Ramos Horta, nudar xefe de estado, matenek boot ho esperiensia wa'in tebes iha mundo diplomatiku hola desizaun tuir nia hatene no konsidera prioridade das prioridades iha momento certo. Hodi nunee hakotu atu husik ho kondisaun ex milisia Maternus Bere, karik ha'u la sala, depois de konsulta ho orgaun soberania selu-seluk.

Iha biban nebee tempu limitadu atu halo manobra, responsabilidade ba nasaun no povo Timor tomak nebee mos la'os uitoan, no servisu barak nebee mos iha nian oin atu halo hotu iha biban nee duni, ha'u kompreende tebes Presidente Ramos Horta nian pozisaun.

Karik iha biban nebaa nia la konsulta ba TR, maibe ho razaun atu evita burokrasia iha alta presaun nian okos, nebee bele koloka PR iha situasaun embarasozu, entre parede e espada. Nunee, hanesan abituadu ona, Presidente Ramos Horta hakat liu orgaun kompetente iha justisa hodi hola desizaun husik Maternus Bere iha loron Referendu 30 de Agosto 2009 liu ba.

Tuir ha'u pessoal nian hanoin PR koloka interesses ba desenvolvimento no evolução Rain no Povo Timor nian iha interesses selu-seluk nian leten. Ha'u hanoin mos katak entre responsaveis sira orgaun soberanos 4 seluk hanesan Governo ho PN mos iha prinsipiu nebee hanesan, sem prejuizo ba TR nian kompetensia atu harii justisa iha Estado RDTL nian laran.

Basaa, Povo Timor-Leste iha nian maioria la husu justisa!

Povo maioria nian husu ba Estadu no husu ba PR, PM no Presidente PN kona ba bee atu sira hemu no hariis, atu sira halo natar. Povo maioria husu mak Governo atu halo estrada nebee liga ba sira nian aldeia ka knua hodi kareta bele desloka ba sira nian aldeia hodi sira bele eskoa sira nian ai-han nebee hetan husi natar ka to’os, ka sira fa'an sira nian produtus iha vila ka lori tun mai Dili. Povo maioria husu ba Governo mak trator hodi halo natar, makina hodi dulas hare ka dulas kafe, husu mak infraestrutura eskola ba sira nian oan sira eskola. Povo maioria husu ba governo mak naroman (eletrisidade), atu sira la bele tur iha nakukun laran. Hirak nee mak povo husu, nudar benefisiu nebee povo hakarak hetan no sente iha ukun rasik-an nian laran, hodi bele hateten katak ukun rasik-an diak liu duni integrasaun ba Indonesia.

Halirik hirak nee povo la’os deit hato’o ba Governo nudar orgaun exekutivu nebee iha kompetensia, maibee povo hato’o sira nian problemas prinsipais hirak nee ba Na’i deputadus feto ho mane sira iha PN nebee reprezenta povo iha Uma Fukun. Ne’eduni deputadas ho deputadus sira iha Uma Fukun mos hatene sa mak povo maioria hakarak.

Se karik tanba kazu Maternus Bere nee, deputadus balun kritika no hamosu mosaun de sensura ba Governo nebee lidera husi PM Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, ho objektivu atu hatun IV Governo Constitucional hodi halo eleisoins antesipadas, entaun ha’u bele dehan katak karik deputados sira nee la iha duni konsiensia no la iha sensibilidade ho povo ki’ik nian problemas loloos.

Needuni PR Dr. José Ramos Horta, PM Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão no Presidente PN Fernando La Sama de Araújo ninian preokupasaun nebee sai prioridade mak Povo nian HUSU hirak nee. Atu hatan ba Povo nian husu hirak nee mak Na'i ulun sira nee tau interese povo nian nee iha oin no defende, hodi tau buat selu-seluk ba segundu planu.

Ita la'os hakribi justisa kona ba kazus hirak nebee mosu iha 1999, maibee se ita hakarak justisa nebee loloos no hakarak tuir prinsipiu ida katak justisa ba ema hotu, mak ita la bele husik hela kazu ida ba kotuk, durante funu tomak hahu husi 1975 too 11/02/2008.

Ita imajina, se ita tau justisa nudar prioridade das prioridades, no tau justisa ba oin no luta ba ida nee.

  • Timor-Leste sai oin sa?
  • Desenvolvimento la'o ba oin ka lae?
  • Relasaun RDTL ho RI, EUA, Australia, Portugal, Alemanha, Inglaterra, Canada, França etc.oin sa?
  • Povo Timor sai oin sa?

Ida nee mak ha'u soe ba leitores sira atu hanoin hodi ida-idak reflete! Ho artigu ida nee mos ha’u hanesan hatan indiretamente ba bankada Fretilin ho KOTA/PPT iha PN nebee oras nee promove dadaun MOSAUN DE SENSURA ba Governo AMP ho akuzasaun katak PM Xanana Gusmão mak deside hodi husik Maternus Bere.

Boa sorte ba Fretilin ho Kota/PPT!

Obrigado Wa'in!

8:53 AM


History of East Timor started with the arrival Australoid and Melanesia.
People from Portugal began to trade with the island of Timor in the early 16 th century-and menjajahnya in mid-century also. After the collision occurred with some of the Netherlands, made the agreement in 1859 where Portugal provide the western part of the island. Japan over East Timor from 1942 until 1945, but after their defeat in World War II Portugal authorities back.

In the year 1975, when the flowers Revolution in Portugal and Portugal in the last Governor of East Timor, Lemos Pires, do not get answers from the Government Center in Portugal to send troops to help Timor-Leste is going civil war, Lemos Pires then ordered the army to Portuguese who survive are in Timor-Leste to Goat Island or the island of Atauro known. After that Fretilin flag down declare Portugal and Timor-Leste as the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste on 28 November 1975. According to an official report from the UN, during the rule for 3 months when the kevakuman government in East Timor between September, October and November, Fretilin to slaughter about 60,000 of the civilian population (some the size of the woman and the husband anak2 because they are supporting the integration with faksi indonesian). Based on that, pro-integration groups and then declare the integration with Indonesia on 30 November 1975 and then ask for support for Indonesia took over East Timor's Fretilin power of the Communist follow a course.

Three Bulk grave as evidence of the slaughter Fretilin supporters integration exists in Aileu District (the middle of the Timor-Leste), respectively located in the Saboria, Manutane and Aisirimoun.

When Indonesian troops landed in East Timor on 7 December 1975, Fretilin forcing thousands of people to flee to the mountains to be a living shield or shield of life (human Shields) to the Indonesian army. More than 200,000 people from this population and the dead in the forest because of disease and hunger. Many also died in the city after submitting himself to the Indonesian army, but the International Red Palah that handle these people can not afford to save everything.

In addition to the victims of a civilian population in the forest, there was also slaughter by radical groups against Fretilin in the forest a more moderate group. So also many figures who were killed by Fretilin Fretilin fellow in the forest. All this story dikisahkan again by people such as Francisco Xavier do Amaral, President of First Timor Lesta declare the independence of East Timor in 1975. If Wiranto Genderal (at that time Lieutenant) Xavier did not save the hole where he imprisoned by Fretilin in the forest, they may Xavier can no longer be the Chairman of ASDT party in East Timor now.

On August 30, 1999, in a referendum held that the United Nations, most of the people of East Timor chose independence from Indonesia. Between the referendum until the return of UN peacekeeping troops by the end of September 1999, the anti-independence seems that Indonesia supported the slaughter replies large-scale, in which around 1,400 lives killed and 300,000 forced to flee west Timor. Most of the infrastructure such as housing, irrigation systems, water, electricity and schools destroyed. On 20 September 1999 peace troops guard International Force for East Timor (INTERFET) arrived and end this. On 20 May 2002, East Timor is recognized internationally as an independent country.

Tribal Bunak Timor-Leste in the House Weaving Indigenous

Appear conflict in East Timor is a concern for the author as the son of Tribal Bunak. Most Bunak tribe living in the East Timor conflict are at the elite and witnessed by the international. Author bretemu friends with the pastor of the East Timorese who were menimbah of science, particularly in Philosophy and Theologi School Filsafat Theologi "Widya Sasana" Malang, East Java, Indonesia. There is unity of indigenous tribes Bunak East Timor with the tribe Bunak West Timor. Bunak According to one language, race Bunak in East Timor and West Timor-Indonesia relations have unity. In West Timor, Indonesia, especially in Lamaknen danDesa Aitoun, race Bunak include tribes that spread out in small Lamaknen District which consists of three Paroki St. Theodorus Weluli dengan Pastor Parokinya Romo Stef Boisala Pr; Paroki St. THEODORUS Weluli with Pastor Parokinya Romo Stef Boisala Pr; Paroki St. Gerardus Nualain; Author think Bunak tribe in East Timor also includes Small tribes that spread throughout East Timor. In West Timor, a small tribes that have spread that a strong relationship bound. Relations between the union bound tribes are small relations relationship "Tribal Malu" with "The Aiba'a". Tribal "Aiba'a" is a tribe of women who receive tribe "Malu" as women. Women that developed into a small tribe, the tribe of "Aiba'a" with a different tribe granting women. Relations, this is understandable in the adult system glasses matrilineal tribes Bunak. Issue model of any kind, any kind of conflict that occurred in the tribal Bunak certainly have its way through a relationship that is "ashamed" with "aiba'a" this. About the author, such a relationship and have also grown in the fertile bunak tribe in East Timor. But internal conflict in Timor Leste, internal ethnic conflicts Bunak Timor Leste can be completed through this door. Bunak tribes together in East Timor as a testimony to the exit in relations with other tribes that are in East Timor. Tribal Bunak should live peacefully together and start from within, from ourselves. Tribal Bunak Timor Leste not diadu sheep by the influence of foreign anti humanitas. Ancestor Bunak tribe has beradap in adatnya system existing before the colonists arrived in Bunak tribe. The predecessor Bunak ethnic groups has formed a relationship based on traditional customs. Relations customary "Malu" with "Aiba'a" this must be maintained so that the identity of the tribe Bunak laden with unity is not a miscarriage because of political interests that are not human. Writing this knock conscience researchers from various disciplines to examine the indigenous tribes Bunak in gandengannya with solutions without violence against the various conflicts in East Timor are appear.